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As a non-partisan policy, educational and research organization,

Counterpoint Institute influences the most crucial issues of our day.

We educate Americans and actively shape U.S. domestic and foreign policy at the highest levels of U.S. government—the White House, Capitol Hill, and the State Department, as well as within international organizations. 

We accomplish this through trainings, research and writing, daily media, 

and informational or policy briefings.

How We Work


Thought Leaders

As thought leaders, we educate in the U.S. and overseas to give the public the tools to influence or change policy and social norms over time.

Policy Strategists

As policy strategists, we give the White House, Capitol Hill, State Department, USUN Mission, and other departments, agencies, and leaders the research, support, and training to effectively communicate an intelligent and informed stance on international issues, foreign policy and national security. 


We build partnerships with like-minded civil society organizations and foreign governments to support and guide as they seek to fight socialism and communistic principles, and work to uphold principles such as life, family, religious freedom, and national sovereignty.


We are effective policy strategists and influential Thought Leaders, building partnerships to reach a common conservative-principled vision. 

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